International Corrections and Prisons Association

The International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) is a not-for-profit association for criminal justice professionals to join in a dialogue and to share ideas and practices aimed at advancing professional corrections. The current President is Tony Cameron CB, Chief Executive (retired) of the Scottish Prison Service.[1]

Mission statement

"To contribute to public safety and healthier communities by encouraging and enabling best correctional practices in prisons and outside communities."

It is a member based Association and comprises a multi-national Board of Directors and approximately 700 members across more than 70 countries. Communication between members is achieved through a members-only community website and by attendance at an Annual General Meeting and Conference.

About ICPA

The International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) is a forum for exchanging ideas, technology, and best practices among corrections professionals worldwide. It has connections with key players on all continents and is the global go-to network on issues of penology and criminal justice. ICPA...

- fosters co-operation and provides leadership, direction, and vision; - supports the delivery of rights-based prisons and community corrections programs in developed and developing nations alike; - facilitates collaboration, staff exchanges, and study visitations among jurisdictions; - encourages the collective involvement of victims, offenders’ families, volunteer organizations and others in the community to help find solutions to correctional and criminal justice issues; - enhances public education, understanding, and involvement in correctional matters.

ICPA is a non-governmental organization in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). Founded in 1998, ICPA represents a membership based in over 80 countries around the world. All individuals and agencies involved in the related fields of justice are invited to take a closer look at ICPA and get involved in advancing professional corrections.


ICPA is governed by a multi-national Board of Directors representing every world region, and inclusive of public agency, voluntary, and private sector professionals. The Board of Directors holds meetings approximately six times per year, with ad hoc meetings called as required. The Association has an Executive Committee empowered to make key decisions on behalf of the Board of Directors as and when necessary. ICPA maintains a group of standing committees for decision-making and actioning of its regular business activities, as well as Board-led initiative groups all of which invite member participation. The Association holds an annual general meeting (AGM) at its yearly conference where the membership body exercises voting privileges on business matters.


Most notable among ICPA’s recent achievements are:

Two successful regional conferences, including: - Europe - Oslo, Norway (June 2008) - Africa - Abuja, Nigeria (March 2009)

A revised Mission and Vision to take the Association forward until 2020, and with a series of initiatives and working Groups to take us there; and

A NATO Advanced Research Workshop held in Eilat, Israel on the subject of Human Rights and Terrorism.


The strength of any viable organization is found within those who believe it to be worthwhile to support. ICPA is no exception. From its founders, to those who have embraced its cause, and even to those who are already forming future generations of leadership, ICPA’s membership continues to evolve as a unified voice declaring professionalism in one of the most complex areas of public service.

ICPA offers a variety of annually renewable membership options. Individual membership can be easily achieved by registering on the web site. Institutional categories of membership and affiliations are available to public, private sector, and voluntary organizations.


The ICPA annual event exemplifies the Association’s claim to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and best practices in corrections. Participation in the ICPA annual conference over its first ten years grew to nearly 400 people from more than 60 countries. More important than the number of attendees, ICPA has mastered a formula for its yearly event that draws people together from every corner of the globe around a common purpose where everyone has something to share. This platform is now reaching new heights by engaging even more intimately focused networking opportunities in regional conferences around the world.

ICPA’s first ten annual conferences were held in Hungary, South Africa, Australia, Netherlands, United States, China, Scotland, Canada, Thailand, and Czech Republic...following these are Barbados, Belgium, Singapore, and Mexico.


ICPA administers an internationally-regarded awards program that recognizes outstanding achievements in the categories of:

1) management and staff training; 2) offender management, treatment, and reintegration; 3) community corrections; 4) research; and 5) outstanding correctional service employee.

Two special awards are also given entitled, the 6) President’s Award; and 7) Outstanding Contribution to the Association. Each year, nominations are received by the ICPA Awards Committee - generally from February through August - and then evaluated against a carefully defined set of performance criteria. An elegant special event and awards banquet is held during the ICPA annual conference to honor the recipients.


  1. ^ SPS Chief Executive elected President of ICPA

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